Guess what? Time for yet another Day One! You know what Day One is, don’t you? Every dieter should be very well acquainted with Day One. It’s the day after the day you decide you’re finally fed up with your bad self and are finally going to do something about it, dang it. It’s probably been at least two days since your last Day One. Or, for the more fortunate, maybe even two months. Regardless, it’s not your first one, and if I know you (and I do), it won’t be your last.
I have absolutely no idea how many Day Ones I’ve actually had. To come up with this particular number (“sixty-one”) I opened my weight-tracking spreadsheet, grabbed the “Notes” column, and simply counted how many times the phrase “Day One” appeared. Hardly scientific, but I’m sure it’s close enough. (What’s an extra false start or two between friends?)
I have to admit, 2007 was supposed to be my Year. Day One #58 occurred January 18, 2007 when I weighed in at (*gulp*) 236 and clocked in at 40% body fat, according to the trusty ol’ Tanita. Those numbers essentially qualify me for “as big as ever” so you can see why I was all fired up for an impressive year. Why, I wouldn’t have been surprised at another repeat of The Great Sixty Pound Loss of 2001. (Hey, it’s possible.)
Now let’s return to reality. Here’s what I wrote in my log just this morning:
Day 124? No, let’s make this Day One. I can’t take it anymore…
I may be going out on a limb, but when you’re writing “I can’t take it anymore” on Day 124 of your latest diet, I don’t think it’s going so well. Obviously 2007 has not turned out as planned.
But no matter! Because that’s the best part of each and every Day One: you get to treat it like the very first Day One ever.
Let’s hear it for short memories.