That’s a Wrap, Part 2

RockyThe “Twenty Minute” Trick paid off. I kept at it and—holy crap—the book is actually done. And by that I mean, done.

So now what? Well, now it’s time to publish. After much thought (of which I will spare you and won’t rehash here) I’ve decided to publish with Lockshire Press. I shouldn’t have a problem getting them to publish this book since I own the company.

Whether this is a good decision or not, only time will tell.

Although if history is any guide, it’s probably a really bad decision. In the fifteen years I’ve been trying to write and/or start my own company, I have yet to make one good decision. Why start now?

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Good News

September 7th, 2007

Good news on two fronts. This morning I hit the ten pound mark. After whining and feeling horribly dejected about my lack of progress a couple weeks earlier, I for once did not let it get the better of me. I stuck with it. It paid off. R.I.P., Ten Pounds. I won’t miss you. In […]

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