You Mean I’m Not Cured?

Nearly one year ago I had myself a minor epiphany of sorts. If you’re curious about the details, read this. But the short of it is: on August 12, 2007, I developed a near instantaneous and rational fear of diabetes. The good news is it was enough to flip The Switch but good. By cutting out high glycemic foods and not lifting a finger in the process, I lost over twenty pounds just over two months:


As is my wont, I blew it. Same sad story most of us have experienced many, many times (and will, no doubt, many more times to come). For those of you keeping score at home, here’s the damage:


If you’re just tuning in, about a month ago I finally decided to get my rear back in gear and lose some weight. That lasted exactly one week at which point I finally decided to get my rear back in gear and lose some weight. That lasted until I hit the road for eleven days.

Now I’ve given out some really great advice in the past about maintaining a diet while away from home. Of course, if you think I have any ability to follow it myself, then you’re confusing me with … um … a … a highly successful dieter person. (I was hoping to name one specifically, but none of the six billion people I know is jumping to mind.) Needless to say I gained about a half pound a day while I was gone. But that isn’t the bad part.

scaredLast Friday, while Beth was checking her blood sugar, I gave her my finger (no, not that) and asked her for a glucose reading. I hadn’t checked it in at least two weeks and figured the current see-food diet meant one was in order. It was 161 and yes, this photo here represents exactly how I felt. Worse, the next morning, before breaking my very short fast, it was still 116. By comparison, recent morning readings landed in the 70s and 80s.

So this is it folks. I’m back on! Nothing can stop me now.

Except maybe Cheez-Its. No, no, … seriously. Nothing can stop me now.

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The Chip Problem Solved

July 22nd, 2008

If it isn’t cookies and ice cream, then it’s chips and dip. Everybody has at least one major weakness and for most of us it’s either sweets or salt. I’m in the latter category. Potato chips, Doritos, and the greatest snack cracker ever, Cheez-Its, have all at one time or another ruined a perfectly good […]

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Eating Out

July 19th, 2008

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I went out to eat yesterday three times. (And let me tell you, this did nothing to help out with Diet #87.) The good news is I think I finally found a way to limit my eating to just 150,000 calories a day. The bad news is on this […]

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The Lake and the Egg

July 16th, 2008

I started talking about swimming in yesterday’s post. If folks don’t mind a break from lots of talk about eating right and exercising, I offer up this thirty year old tale about exercising and eating wrong. Back when I was around eleven or twelve, I went to a Boy Scout summer camp. Like all good […]

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How Do You Spell Summer?

July 15th, 2008

For many of us, it’s s-w-i-m-m-i-n-g. Me, I like to swim. I always have and always will. There’s just something so indescribably exhilarating about (literally) submersing ourselves in this watery, alien environment. That funny little crab character from The Little Mermaid had it right: “Definitely better down where it’s wetter, take it from me.” Although […]

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Day One #86

July 14th, 2008

This is it! Never mind the eighty-five Day Ones that came before. This is the one that will stick. Now I’m sure you’re dying to know what makes this time different from all the other times. Go on. Go ahead and ask me. “But, Charlie, what makes this time different?” Well, I’m glad you asked! […]

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The Four Laws of Dieting

July 8th, 2008

After you’ve been dieting for as long as I have, you begin to see patterns emerge. You learn that dieting is really all about “cause and effect”. The great Sir Isaac Newton proposed this concept of causality while he himself was on a diet. As he sat under a tree thinking about eating a pizza, […]

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