Healthy Eating Paradox

As much as I love my self-imposed, five-day-a-week creative writing assignment, I’ve decided to take a few days off. Enjoy this post from August 29, 2008, while you all rest and recover from Black Friday.

Quick show of hands: how many people out there enjoy the “Jay-walking” segments on The Tonight Show? If you’re not familiar with it, this is where Jay Leno hits the streets with a microphone and asks average people simple questions. For example, “In what year did the Battle of Beroia result in the disappearance of the Pechenegs as an independent force?” The poor interviewee invariably replies with something really stupid, like 1124, when everybody knows it was 1122.

All right, I’m kidding. Usually it’s more along the lines of, “Who was the first president?” which typically fetches a response of, “Abraham Lincoln?” (Hey, could be worse. At least they picked an actual president.)

I imagine if Jay asked people, “Which fast food restaurant would be the better choice for a dieter, McDonald’s or Subway?” most of his victims would reply, “Abraham Lincoln?” Okay … most of them would definitely say “Subway” and ironically, they’d be just as wrong as those who picked Lincoln.

Wait a minute, Charlie … did you say that right? Subway is the wrong answer for the dieter? You’re crazy. Jarad lost eight thousand pounds at Subway. They have forty-seven sandwiches with forty-seven or fewer calories. They sell cookies, that when broken apart, actually have negative calories. I went to a Subway one day, ordered lunch, and actually left two pant sizes smaller. You can’t mean that, Charlie.

Well, according to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research last October, people ate on average 131% more calories when they thought they were eating healthful alternatives. Ironically, this was on top of the fact that the “healthy” meal already had 50% more calories than the “unhealthy” meal. What does this mean? It means we’re stupid, that’s what.

My advice to everyone (including myself) is simple: use your head. Just because something is “healthy” doesn’t mean it’s free. Pigging out on healthy entrees in a restaurant is no different from eating an entire box of fat free cookies or chowing down a ginormous bucket of fried chicken just because it was cooked in oils containing zero grams of trans fats. Don’t fall for it … or you just might end up on Jay Leno one day.

3 Responses to “Healthy Eating Paradox”

Vicki said
November 30, 2008 at 10:13 pm

Wow, that’s something to think about. Although, once I do, I agree. If I think something is healthier, I might eat 2 or 8 instead of just one. That’s why adding calories as you go everyday is sooooo important. Thanks for posting this, I’m ashamed to say I missed it the first time around.

rhodeygirl said
December 2, 2008 at 8:19 am

my advice? use your belly! it naturally gives us cues when we are hungry or full or whatever, we should use them!

also, fabulous post. i see my friends doing that all the time.

Maggie said
December 2, 2008 at 11:42 am

Great post! I see people doing this all the time. Great example – people think granola is really “healthy” (which yeah, it is) but then eat cups of it! It’s pretty high calorie compared to something like rice krispies, but people think they’re doing the right thing by going for the healthy option. Silly.

Leave a Reply. All the cool kids are doing it.


Diet Soda Bad News

November 27th, 2008

As much as I love my self-imposed, five-day-a-week creative writing assignment, I’ve decided to take a few days off. While you’re all tripping out on tryptophan today, I give you this post from Thursday, October 2, 2008. Happy Thanksgiving to my US readers. Have an extra slice of that pumpkin cake for me! About nineteen […]

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Music These Days

November 26th, 2008

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Health Food Find

November 25th, 2008

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Well Whaddaya Know

November 24th, 2008

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I’m Lovin’ It

November 21st, 2008

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Something Fishy

November 20th, 2008

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Now About That Book

November 19th, 2008

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Grilled PB&J

November 18th, 2008

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More of the Same

November 17th, 2008

It was cold yesterday. The ground was covered with a fair dusting of snow. I woke up at six to the strains of Sonny & Cher, got dressed, and headed out to Gobbler’s Knob to give my annual TV news report. The entire town of Punxsutawney had turned out to see if the groundhog would […]

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A Magical Place

November 14th, 2008

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What the Bleep?

November 13th, 2008

No, I haven’t suddenly started running ads for dubious weight loss products. This unfortunate picture is actually the subject of this post. When browsing the interwebs, you don’t have to click too many links before you run across this little gem. Every time I see it I think a tiny piece of my soul is […]

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The Big Announcement

November 12th, 2008

I would like to formally and officially announce to you, my dearest Fridge Fans, the existence of my latest book. The book isn’t new, and I haven’t actually kept it a secret, but I just don’t talk about it on this blog. Why? Because this blog is where you can enjoy my writing with no […]

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Toasted Salami Sammie

November 11th, 2008

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So Not the Plan

November 10th, 2008

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What Costs Less?

November 7th, 2008

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Drinking Water

November 6th, 2008

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When I Grow Up

November 5th, 2008

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November 4th, 2008

Me? I’ve been around the blogosphere once or twice. As I scour food and diet sites, one thing has become extraordinarily clear: oatmeal is important. I don’t know why (and I’m not sure I want to know) but the fact remains: eat oatmeal or risk mortal peril. I figured I must be missing out on […]

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Not Looking Good

November 3rd, 2008

Weight loss is like a good adventure story. There’s a hero (you) and there are villains (tubs of buttered movie popcorn). There’s a mentor (Richard Simmons) and a love interest (tubs of buttered movie popcorn). There are sweeping highs and dismal lows and in the end you hope everyone lives happily ever after. I’m sure […]

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