I went to McDonald’s again. It’s no secret that I’m completely without shame when it comes to this restaurant. Yes, I actually enjoy McFood. So I thought I’d share three McStories with you today.
McStory #1
This most recent trip happened to be for breakfast. One of my favorites, actually: Sausage McMuffin, “hashbrowns”, and a Diet Coke. Now that’s good eatin’.
The “hashbrowns” are good, but I simply can’t bring myself to actually call them hashbrowns. Now, I don’t have a specific definition for real hashbrowns. All I do know is that you can’t pick up real hashbrowns and eat them like a candy bar.
McDonald’s serves both Egg McMuffins and Sausage McMuffins. I thought the entire idea between having two is that one has egg and the other doesn’t. Yet invariably, when I pull up to the drive-through and ask for a Sausage McMuffin, they ask, “Do you want an egg on that?” “No I don’t want an egg on that. If I wanted a dang egg on my muffin, I’d’ve ordered the Egg McMuffin.” (Many years passed before I realized that they indeed are different items: even when they both have eggs. Still, the whole idea perturbed me.)
Anyway, my Sausage McMuffin was good. But I’d love it more if it weren’t burnt around the edges. It was a great disappointment after looking forward to it after so many miles of driving. (And, of course, you’re many miles away before you realize the McMuffin is burnt. Joe Pesci was right.)
McStory #2
Many years ago, I was sent to Europe a couple of times on business trips. One stop was in Paris. Another stop was in Vienna. And you know what I did in both cities? (“You went to McDonald’s?”) Damn straight I went to McDonald’s. After several days of fancy, high-falutin’, business meals, this poor boy just wanted a Big Mac.
“Bienvenue au McDonald’s. Puis-je prendre votre commande?” “Uh, yeah, I’d like a Big Mac. Um… a large fries. And … holy crap is that BEER on the menu? Give me a freakin’ beer with my Big Mac and fries! … Um, I mean … donnez-moi un freakin bier, s’il vous plait.”
I’d love it more if they did that here. And why not? It worked in Paris. It worked in Vienna. It probably works in every other country on the planet. Why not the good ol’ U. S. of A.?
McStory #3
Many years ago, but not as many as the Eurotrip, my then-four year old daughter and I were driving around town. She used to love to point out the window at various landmarks she recognized. One time, in a different part of town, she saw those famous golden arches and proudly exclaimed, “McDonald’s! We’ve been there!” This wasn’t technically true and I had to reply, “Actually, no, we haven’t been to that one. We’ve only been to the one over by our house.” Wide-eyed, she looked at me and asked in utter disbelief, “You mean there’s TWO?!”
I’d love it more if they could stay that young and innocent just a little bit longer than they do.
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Posted in Pizza Night
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February 26th, 2009
My friend Stephanie and I have struggled with weighty issues for nigh on two decades now. While we both still have our dietary vices, she got one problem licked but good: she gave up beer and pizza. “Wow!” you exclaim. “That’s impressive!” you shout in near disbelief. “So how did she do it?” you ask. […]
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February 25th, 2009
Last week, I added five more things to my list of “25 Random Things About Me.” I’m actually enjoying this more than I thought I would, so let’s just try five more. Here, then, is The Third Set of Five Odd Facts and Figures You May or May Not Already Know About Me. 11. I […]
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February 24th, 2009
Welcome to Part 3 of a Four Part Series entitled, “The Four Food Groups.” Last week we covered one of my long-time favorites, the Mexican Food group. This week, it’s Chinese Food. (The astute Back to the Fridge reader knows that a disclaimer is imminent: I have never been to China or eaten any truly, […]
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February 23rd, 2009
About two days ago I was absolutely convinced the title of today’s post was going to be, “I give up!” The week was not going well at all. And I’d love to say it’s because I’d fallen off the wagon and was eating like crazy. But for Three Thousand Calorie Tuesday, it was actually a […]
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February 20th, 2009
If you’re ever in Austin and in the mood for thirty-seven pounds of fresh Italian food, you can’t go wrong with Cannoli Joe’s. Opened by the folks who run The County Line BBQ, Cannoli Joe’s takes the concept of “buffet” to a whole new level. If you’re like me, the term “buffet” (especially when combined […]
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February 19th, 2009
As we travel on our respective weight loss journeys, all of us hoping to get back to our original weights (eight pounds, five ounces) one thing most of us attempt along the way is to “eat healthy.” I say most, but certainly not everybody. More than a few of us are certainly content with eating […]
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February 18th, 2009
Last week we got through the first five of “25 Random Things About Me.” I think it turned out pretty well, don’t you? I thought so. Anyway, without further ado, let’s just get on with the next five things in this mess. In no particular order, I present The Second Five Odd Facts and Figures […]
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February 17th, 2009
Welcome to Part 2 of a Four Part Series entitled, “The Four Food Groups.” Last week we covered the all-important Italian Food Group. This week, it’s Mexican Food. And just like last week, I have to add the disclaimer that I’m talking about the only Mexican Food I’ve ever known: Taco Bell. Just kidding. I’ve […]
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February 16th, 2009
I know all the cool kids have been pulling for me for weeks now. And I know that tension has doubled over the last two weeks as I drew near to the big goal. But unfortunately I’m forced to admit another week has gone by fully stuck in Twoderland. (Twoderland?) In times of defeat, and […]
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February 13th, 2009
Soft music plays in the background. A red tablecloth warms your mood. Candlelight flickers playfully on your partner’s face. And the smell of hot, greasy hamburgers cooked in sizzling onions wafts through the room. Nothing says Valentine’s Day like a bag of small, square slyders served with a side of love. For those of you […]
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February 12th, 2009
In the documentary Super Size Me, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock eats nothing but McDonald’s food for thirty days. The film is a platform to raise awareness about our obesity epidemic, the nutritional issues associated with fast food, and how corporations are profiting from shoving nothing but junk down our fry-holes. I like the movie. Yes, I […]
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February 11th, 2009
Last week I mentioned the whole “25 Random Things About Me” meme and gave you #19 on my as-yet-uncreated list. Well, I thought about it and thought about it and then thought some more, and against my better judgment, I think I’m ready to do this. But only five at a time. Why? Because not […]
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February 10th, 2009
Take a look at that picture. Did you ever see a greater sight? Forget the Grand Canyon! Who cares about the Taj Mahal? These things are so insignificant compared to the awesomeness of hot melted mozzarella cheese, that you could magnify them a thousand times, place them in the mouth of an ant, and they […]
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February 9th, 2009
Odds are by this time next week, I’ll have my first foot in Onederland. That’s what I wrote exactly one week ago, at the end of last week’s post. And I believed it too. After all, things were going according to plan. There was no reason (after losing five pounds over the previous two weeks) […]
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February 6th, 2009
Some number of years ago (I want to say “five” but I’m sure it was more like “fifteen”) I was back home and had a rare opportunity to hang out with one of my best friends. Living in different states (and being all growed up) these chances don’t exactly come along very often. This is […]
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February 5th, 2009
I’ve made it no secret that when it comes right down to it, I’m a realist. To the optimist, I look like a pessimist. To the pessimist, I look uncommitted. But I don’t mind looking at things for what they are. In fact, I can’t look at things any other way. It’s just the way […]
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February 4th, 2009
Today’s post is brought to you by the letter D, the number 7, and by the book Why Your Last Diet Failed You and How This Book Won’t Help You on Your Next One. Upwards of ten people have now read it and most agree it’s quite enjoyable. A few readers didn’t like it all […]
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February 3rd, 2009
Cheese is one of the oldest food products known to man. Ancient Mesopotamian legend suggests that cheese was one of the Seven Foods of the Gods: a gift bestowed upon mankind, along with fire, the wheel, and cellular phone technology. I personally don’t buy into such silly superstitions. It’s very clear that early man gained […]
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February 2nd, 2009
Without beating around the bush or wasting time with tired movie analogies, I’ll just come right out and tell you what happened this week: I got down to 201. This not only means the holiday bump is fer sure behind me, I even surpassed the pre-holiday low of 201.5 by an entire eight ounces. That’s […]
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. . .
on February 27, 2009 at 12:39 am
LOL…we have beer at McDonalds here in Germany too. We also have beer at the movie theater. I enjoy that more than the beer at Mc Donalds 🙂
And I LOVE the story about your daughter. That is great!
on February 27, 2009 at 5:42 am
Execellent stories Charlie and very well told. Can you imagine beer ina Micky D’s in the US?
“Hey, last night I partied so hard that I closed McDonalds”. “Of course, before the cab ride home, I ordered the mcmuffin”.
on February 27, 2009 at 6:17 am
On the second one, I was totally waiting for you to call it a Royale With Cheese.
on February 27, 2009 at 6:31 am
Good post Charlie! When Hannah was little we used to pass by McD’s every day on the way home from day care. Every time she’d ask, “can I have a happy meal?”
I told her I would make her a “mommy” happy meal at home. I had a stash of dollar store toys and whatever I was fixing for dinner, I would individually wrap for her and put a toy in her bag.
She always got so excited “what could be in the bag?” when what she had in her bag was what was on the table for everyone else!
I’ll have to ask if she remembers that!
Yep, they grow up quick!
on February 27, 2009 at 6:52 am
I bet even more people would eat McDonald’s here if they served beer.
on February 27, 2009 at 7:04 am
I too, have been to the McDonald’s in both Paris and Vienna, as well as every other foreign country I’ve ever visited!! I have a lot of food allergies, and so it is a lot of work to ask all the right questions and find out what I need to know to eat in other languages. Those golden arches are my haven away from home, where if I don’t feel like working for it, I can just relax and eat. And yes, I do struggle with the same love of the happy McFood, as you called it. Loved the McPost! 🙂
on February 27, 2009 at 7:13 am
Aw, the story about your daughter is adorable! When I went to the McDonalds in Spain, I was amazed as to how much better the food tasted!
on February 27, 2009 at 7:26 am
Oooh I actually like the muffins burnt,, it makes them seem a bit more ‘hot’ and cooked even if they’re all the same hee.
on February 27, 2009 at 7:44 am
mmmm, love Egg McMuffins…..
My kids call it Old MacDonalds. I could correct them, it would be the “right” thing to do. Instead I call it that myself and feel right with our world. If only everything were that easy!
on February 27, 2009 at 8:23 am
Do you KNOW that it’s almost time for the very rare and very awesome Shamrock Shake to make it’s annual appearance at Mickey D’s????
on February 27, 2009 at 8:40 am
Mmmm… Shamrock Shakes.
on February 27, 2009 at 9:00 am
They have Big Mac’s in Paris?? When I was in Japan, several years ago, their McDonald’s didn’t have ANY of the same stuff, and “Large” was absolutely positively NOT “Large”.
on February 27, 2009 at 12:14 pm
I love McDonald’s hashbrowns. Back in my fast food days, I would also get the sausage McMuffin, (NO EGG!) and not one but two hash browns and a diet coke….Why the diet coke, I have no idea?? Maybe that was just to save about 500 more calories??
I love the picture of Homer! Sweet!
on February 27, 2009 at 2:43 pm
“donnez-moi un freakin bier, s’il vous plait.”
That one made me laugh so hard!!
Imagine the joy of a group of underage-in-the-US-but-legal-in-Europe college students discovering beer on the menu at MickeyD’s! Been there.
on February 27, 2009 at 3:07 pm
Hehe that last story was so cute. I love how Europe sells alcohol EVERYWHERE.
on February 28, 2009 at 6:16 pm
Holy crap, Biz is a genius! I never thought of that – I always told the Evil Genius that McD’s makes one fat and isn’t good for the body and lived with his sad little face. D’oh!
I love the mental picture of your daughter’s face when she realized there was more than one – and I agree, it would be nice of that wonder lasted a little longer than it does. Why is the world in such a hurry to suck the delight out of a child’s life??
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who like the sausage, egg, and cheese McMuffin to hasten her eventual heart failure)
on March 1, 2009 at 9:05 pm
My morning after hangover meal was always a big mac, extra pickles, supersize fry, and a diet coke. I gave up fast food years ago and it just doesn’t taste the same anymore. Except the last time I had a few fries from a friend’s meal – damn, those were just as good as I remembered.