Well, That Was Fast

Doesn't this remind you of Linus when he jumps in the pile of leaves?I just realized I missed the beginning of fall! It happened last week, September 22, 2009 at 4:18 central daylight time. I’m a bit astonished that I missed it because I’m definitely one of those geeks who rarely misses an astronomical event. Not to mention one of those geeks who also knows that September 22 is Frodo and Bilbo’s mutual birthday.

And so closes a summer where I thought I might post all sorts of random, interesting stuff. Yet nothing of the sort happened. I’m sure the lack of posts had nothing to do with a long string of eighty hour work weeks. I’m also quite sure it had nothing to do with writer’s block or blog fatigue.

But the fall season is definitely upon us. It’s that time of year I enjoy so much, when the temperatures finally drop into the upper 90s and I start thinking about what pumpkin I’ll carve in the ten minutes between the time I get home from work and the start of trick-or-treating.

It’s also that time of year where I start thinking about what to do with the blog. Actually, I already started and completed thinking what I’ll do to it. I’m going to create a new template (I never did like this one), clean up the side bar, add a couple minor features, and start writing on topics broader than Cheez-Its and Onederland. I hope the few of you whom I have yet to drive away stick around.

Meet me back here on October 1.

7 Responses to “Well, That Was Fast”

Shelley B said
September 29, 2009 at 8:45 am

Cool beans, Charlie – I’ll be here to see what you’ve got up your sleeve!

Anne (Happy Fun Pants) said
September 29, 2009 at 10:34 am

For the record, I always liked this layout. I thought it was cute. 🙂

I’ve been meaning to change mine -I feel like it’s SO generic. And please, I’m anything but…


    Charlie said
    September 29, 2009 at 10:04 pm

    The layout is basically the same. Just brighter and less busy. The fridge is a staple at this point, even if ‘food’ won’t be the dominating theme.

Quix said
September 29, 2009 at 12:10 pm

Hooray for mid 90s! I can run outside again in the mornings. And what about those 70s we had that one week, huh? Mind blowing…

Hope your crunch passes swiftly and I’ll check back in with ya after I get back from getting hitched in Vegas! 🙂

Jess said
September 29, 2009 at 2:07 pm

I’m also certain that missing the start of fall had nothing to do with it being on September 22nd–you know, the date our entire company has been obsessing over all year.

    Charlie said
    September 29, 2009 at 10:00 pm

    Not all year. It was September 1 for most of the year. 😉

tuscanystone said
October 7, 2009 at 2:32 pm

90’s?? Lucky you! We’re back down in the bloomin 60’s already 🙁

Looking forward to your new format and blogs. I think I just subscribed but not sure how it works…lol

All the best


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HIGH, Part 7

September 10th, 2009

Welcome to the seventh and final part of How I Got Here. Our journey began in 1992 with a series of Arthur C. Clarke books and is about to end with my latest writing project. Ah, the latest writing project! So it’s finally come to that, has it? All right, here we go. In late […]

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