Week 18: The Christmas Miracle

The most interesting thing about Week 18 is the same as the most interesting thing about Week 17: every day’s weight came in either at or below the previous day’s weight, making for yet another nice downward slope. Granted the weights each day are eerily similar, but I’m still okay with any slope that doesn’t rise from left to right.

Graph: Week 18

The real miracle here is that the low day was the day after Treats Day at work. Treats Day is a sickening all-day feed fest full of all the traditional holiday offerings such as tortilla chips and Twinkies. I did my usual share of grazing and somehow dropped a half pound on that last day. I was positive it’d be up another two pounds.

Week 18
Starting Weight 233.0
Current Weight 216.9
Change from Last Week 0.0
Lost So Far 16.1
Pounds To Go 17.9

Net result for the week was a loss of less than one tenth of a pound, which I’ve rendered here in the summary as “zero”. Any other time of the year, I’d be bummed at my lack of progress. But not on December 18 (the date of Week 18’s final weigh in). What’s about to happen next? Only time will tell. But I’m sure the Chex Mix will have a say in it. Tune in next week for the results.

6 Responses to “Week 18: The Christmas Miracle”

Anonymous said
December 23, 2010 at 5:20 am

Wooo hooo!! That’s brilliant news 🙂

I’m not weighing this month as I’m in sunny Lanzarote. But I’m not eating rubbish, and doing lots of swimming and walking. But I’m not counting calories either and I am drinking wine! So I’m hoping I end up back home on the 6th Jan at least the same as weight as when I left 🙂

It’s within my control to NOT buy the chocolates, crisps, cakes and biscuits etc. Same for you on the chex mixy stuff….;)

Merry Xmas

Anna 😀

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said
December 23, 2010 at 7:31 am

Stay away from the chex mix. Seriously. You’re life won’t implode if you skip the chex mix this year. And those cookies. Rock the scale and continue to go down all the way for the rest of the year! Won’t that feel awesome!

Helen said
December 23, 2010 at 7:48 am

Somehow I don’t think even Chex Mix is going to set you back completely this year Charlie!

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Biz said
December 23, 2010 at 6:26 pm

Thanks for sending me gluten free Chex Mix Charlie – its really good! 😀

I’ll miss you this Christmas! 🙁

Julie said
December 31, 2010 at 7:19 pm

Oh I’m so proud of you Charlie. You’re back on the downhill slide. YEAH!!!! Only 17 lbs to go into the wonderful town of Onederland.
I made it this year, I am proud of me too. I have a ways to go to make my goal but I only missed this year by 7 lbs and considering I have never stuck to anything this long, I am happy.
Keep up the great work and I’ll be back to see how you’re doing.
Keep up the great work being the engineer of our train to onderland and beyond.
Thank you Charlie for everything. Take care and have a Happy New Year. God bless you my friend.

Dee said
January 2, 2011 at 6:28 pm

Hey Charlie, I just decided to start a diet and I viewed your blog, love the way you track it!

Leave a Reply. All the cool kids are doing it.


My Favorite Christmas Song

December 17th, 2010

You’d better watch out! You’d better not cry! You’d better not pout! I’m telling you why. It’s time for yummy Chex Mix . . . right now! I’m makin a list, Checkin’ it twice Buyin’ the Corn, The Wheat, and the Rice It’s time for yummy Chex Mix . . . right now! I’ll add […]

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Week 17: The Goods News Is…

December 15th, 2010

The most interesting thing about Week 17 is that every day’s weight came in either at or below the previous day’s weight, making for a nice (albeit gentle) downward slope: I’ll take that over the giant “spike to 219” any week. Not to mention, given the fact that we’re still in the holidays (you know, […]

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Week 16: More of the Same

December 7th, 2010

I seem to have settled into what’s apparently my final weight. This current level of caloric intake and exercise has me essentially stuck at 217. That’s down 16 from when I began in mid-August but down essentially zero since mid-October. I know the counter-argument by now: “But at least you haven’t gained it back!” Yes, […]

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Week 15: The First Test

December 1st, 2010

Is it really December already? I mean really? If so, then that must mean it’s time to start my Christmas shopping. For Christmas 2009, that is. I’m always way behind. In Onederland news I survived the first real test of the season–barely. Although I started the week at 217 and ended at 219, thanks to […]

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