Attempt 105, Week 4

The liquid fast last Monday went well until about eleven in the morning when I decided I wanted a banana. Then an apple. Then an entire box of Raisin Bran and twelve bagels. Okay, I made up those last two. The fast didn’t last but I did pretty much get back on track with the eating.

Graph: Attempt 105, Week 4

Every day but Thursday came in below two thousand calories. Heck, Wednesday was under fifteen hundred. My only explanation for that is I went to bed for the day at ten in the morning.

Week Four
Starting Weight 224.0
Current Weight 218.1
Change from Last Week +0.7
Lost So Far 5.9
Pounds To Go 19.1

Ironic that for a week with such a nice downward slope, my weight actually went up seven tenths of a pound. Actually, that’s not irony. That’s just math. And I still think it’s a good way to report progress. The trick now is to keep that downward trend going and unfortunately I don’t have a good track record there. However, I have a plan. Any time I grab something to eat that I shouldn’t be eating, I’m going to hire a raven to help me deal with it. I’ll be fit as a wallaby in no time.

6 Responses to “Attempt 105, Week 4”

Veronica said
March 28, 2011 at 12:37 am

I’m trying to figure out the two red lines. Are they both for your weight? If so, why two? I like your raven plan. 🙂

    Charlie said
    March 28, 2011 at 7:33 am

    Oh yeah. I didn’t explicitly mention that this week. It’s a thing I do, where I use lighter lines of the same color to represent previous week(s).

    This post shows an example of this near the bottom:

    Ah, that takes me back. Back when I was 216.

    Oh . . . wait.

      Veronica said
      March 28, 2011 at 11:37 am

      LOL! OK, thanks for explaining. 🙂

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said
March 28, 2011 at 4:47 am

Ha, I passed you up this week, I’m at 216. The race is on dude, catch up! I need to get myself a raven. Or 2.

Helen said
March 28, 2011 at 8:08 am

I always find liquid fasting a great way to get back on track… or a great way to eat way too much because I get too hungry. In any case, it seems you went the right direction and your past experience should show you that it really is just math. And a waiting game.

Biz said
March 30, 2011 at 9:23 am

Debbi is on your tail Charlie!!

Hang in there!

Love, your prettier sister, Biz

Leave a Reply. All the cool kids are doing it.


Attempt 105, Week 3

March 21st, 2011

Sorry for missing last week. Mostly because, as I’ve stated before, when a weight loss blogger stops blogging, the universe assumes something horrible has gone wrong. That’s not to say I didn’t have my moments. “Lots going on” usually translates to “don’t care what I’m eating anymore” and I only narrowly fended off a two-pound […]

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Attempt 105, Week 2?

March 17th, 2011

Hey kids! . . . Yeah, I’m still here and a few days behind on the Week 2 update. No worries! It doesn’t mean I’ve done fall off the wagon again. On the contrary, things are going along fine. Just a bit of a crazy week here, that’s all. In the meantime, please have a […]

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Attempt 105, Week 1

March 7th, 2011

Well, I’m now one week into the reboot. As with my post-holiday fix, I began the week with a bit of fasting of sorts. It goes like this: eat nothing at all until you get hungry, usually around twelve hours after waking up, and then eat fifteen thousand calories in a half hour. How can […]

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Let’s Get Rolling Again

March 2nd, 2011

Last time began with such promise. Of course, every time begins with such promise. That’s the greatest part about starting out. Nothing bad has happened to you yet. And you hope nothing will. Of course, seeing as how I am declaring this as Attempt Number 105, I obviously have a long and glorious history of […]

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