A Glorious Dawn

Two video posts in one week! If you’re thinking this is a blogger’s cop-out because he wants to focus his time on NaNoWriMo, you’re absolutely right. But even if that weren’t the case I would feel compelled to share this with you anyway.

If you’re a true geek and don’t exactly consider yourself a spring chicken, then this just might be right up your alley. The concept? Take clips of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, run the audio through Auto-Tune, add a bit of creative video editing, and you’ve got this:

I can’t put my finger on it, but I found this extraordinarily moving. And the more I listened to it, the more I wanted to listen to it. It’s both haunting and hypnotic. And my inner artist/writer/musician is utterly fascinated how seemingly random prose can instantly be turned into poetry.

A still more glorious dawn awaits,
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy-rise.
A morning filled with four hundred billion suns:
The rising of the milky way

Check out the creator of this ingenious little project here.

Okay, now back to NaNoWriMo!

3 Responses to “A Glorious Dawn”

TexasDeb said
November 24, 2009 at 7:49 am

I had to give this another run through. Having the same reaction as you reported – the more I listened the more I wanted to listen. Audio heroin???

Anyway – this reminded me that I have several an internal cast of go-to narrators for various purposes. John Huston:voice of God. J. Cousteau:anything underwater. Carl S:anything space per se. W. Shatner:space travel/future. And so it goes…

Charlie said
November 24, 2009 at 11:48 am

And to be honest, I think the video detracts a bit from the song underneath. I downloaded the mp3 and put it on my iPod. It’s actually better!

Biz said
November 25, 2009 at 10:43 pm

It’s your loving niece, Hannah.

Let me just tell you I’m going to be watching that repeatedly for the next few weeks. That might just be the coolest video ever created.

Love you