Art Supplies

pensIf you were to ask random people on the street what they’d do if they won a very large lottery jackpot, you’d get a wide array of answers … yet all of them would more or less zero in on the same point. “I’d buy a big house!” “I’d buy a big boat!” “I’d buy a big house-boat!” However, I doubt you’d find too many people like me who would answer, “I’d go to an art store and buy all the pens, pencils, and paper they have.”

Oh, and I wouldn’t limit myself to just writing instruments and bits of parchment. No, I love the complete range of office supplies: binders, scissors, erasers, … oh, and don’t even get me started on industrial strength hole punchers and paper cutters. I don’t know what gene in our DNA controls this, but I’ve definitely been inflicted with it. It’s all I can do to walk through a Michael’s or Office Max and not spend my next two paychecks.

And of course, like food, my eyes are always bigger than my stomach. I couldn’t possibly use that many pens and that much paper, no matter how much I would like to. I like to draw and I love calligraphy, but until someone invents that thirty six hour a day or emails me the winning lottery numbers in advance, I just can’t give it the time it deserves.

Maybe someday…

sarah-drawingFor now, I’ll leave you with this picture. It’s my oldest daughter, Sarah. I drew it a couple months ago, based on a photo she took of herself.

My technique is fairly straightforward. Basically, I scan the photo, then using photo software, place hairline marks at key points on the face: around the chin, the eyes, the edge of the nose, etc. This ensures I get the basic proportions correct. I then print these guidelines on the final paper and just fill in the rest freehand. It’s fun. Just let me know when you find that thirty-six hour day.

Next Wednesday? Pumpkin carvings! Yay…

10 Responses to “Art Supplies”

Kathy said
October 22, 2008 at 4:24 am

I’m the same way. We used to live near a business supply store and I could spend hours in there! My girls always loved playing with receipt books and order pads when they were little and their kids love them too!
I’ll have to pass on your method for doing the sketches to my daughter, Sarah. Thanks!

Megan said
October 22, 2008 at 4:48 am

I love office supplies too! They rock!

Beautiful picture! You are so talented. I agree that there should be more time in a day to dedicate to our talents….you could draw more and I could dance more! I miss dancing but I have no time in the day for it!

Stems said
October 22, 2008 at 10:10 am

As a kid, my entire allowance would go to office supplies. Fancy pens (fountain pens were my favorite), watercolor markers, paints, fancy paper, binders, folders, sticky notes, scissors, xacto knives… and stickers – lots and lots of stickers. I still do that.

Stephanie said
October 22, 2008 at 12:27 pm

Love the drawing of Sarah! Very good! I didn’t know you liked to draw! I knew the caligraphy thing… and the attention to details on graphics stuff…. I should have figured drawing too! Always something new to learn about a new talent of Charlie’s!

Charlie said
October 22, 2008 at 1:03 pm

I forgot to mention, you can click on the drawing for a larger version…

Biz said
October 22, 2008 at 2:05 pm

I am a pen/paper/stationary whore too!


I want it.

debcurlydog said
October 24, 2008 at 5:56 am

I LOVE OFFICE SUPPLY/ART STORES!!! Here I thought I was the only one, secretly hiding my obsession. I love to walk down the pen & pencil isle and gaze at all the wonderful instruments I could purchase. It usually takes quite a while to decide which new pen/pencil to choose.
I am also a portrait pencil artist and your drawing is very good. I’ve included the link to my website if you are interested in viewing my work.

Therese said
October 24, 2008 at 7:04 am

Let’s talk calligraphy…and art supplies!
No..not Air Supply…(remember them?).
Art Supplies.
I am a huge art fan. Crayola crayons…let’s talk. Paper..pens..(I like fine point).
Did you go to art school? Just wondering.

Jennifer said
October 24, 2008 at 8:42 am

That’s an awesome picture of Sarah!

I think you got that talent from Dad, and it skipped me!

Charlie and I’s dad was an artist and he had tons of art supplies! In fact, one of my kids got this really cool case with all these paints in it when he passed away.

I too, wish there was more time in the day! Have a great one bro!

Charlie said
October 25, 2008 at 7:35 am

deb: I took a look, good work!

Therese: no, haven’t had any formal art training. I’ve just always liked to draw, design, and so on… I’m planning on doing more. Someday