Happy Birthday Mom!

Dear Mom,

Every year I get you something different for your birthday. Sometimes it’s a Hallmark card and other times it’s a different Hallmark card. Often the birthday card is accompanied by a gift of some sort. Like, one year I got you those socks you’d had her eye on for months. And then on another year I gave you that Aeropostale gift card that still had $12.17 on it.

I must admit, it gets harder and harder each year to find something that’s both unique and useful. So as I pondered this year’s birthday, I suddenly realized there was one thing I’d never gotten you. Your very own blog post!

It seemed like the perfect opportunity to wish you a wonderful day and to show the whole world once and for all that of all your three children, I am clearly your favorite. As for the topic of the blog post? I figured a trip down memory lane would be most fitting.

We’ll start with a throwback: my high school graduation. I remember that day as if it were just this past June:

Me and Mom #1

Next up, remember that trip we took to the wine place? We got to taste seventy two different wines. We were so drunk when this picture was taken!

Me and Mom #2

One of the things I really like most about our selfies is that we can take them anywhere at any time. Remember this one? We were at Wal-Mart after spending an hour looking through the $2.99 DVD bin for Rachel’s graduation present.

Me and Mom #3

I also love traveling with you. This picture was taken when we visited the Butterfly Gardens at Butterflyland in Butterfly, Florida. That’s that purse you got me for Christmas two years ago!

Me and Mom #4

I think this was taken on one of our many trips to our favorite restaurant: McDonald’s.

Me and Mom #5

I love two things about this picture: the spontaneity and that expression on my face.

Me and Mom #6

I thought it was only fair that I include at least one picture of all three of your kids. Here we are! Now there’s no way anyone could ever question why I’m your favorite.

Me and Mom #7

Last one. Just you and me. The real me. Without any hair. Still one of my favorites.

Me and Mom #8

So there you go. Happy birthday mom! I hope you like your very own blog post. If not, I have a kitchen drawer full of gently-used gift cards for you to choose from.

12 Responses to “Happy Birthday Mom!”

Biz said
September 23, 2014 at 5:29 am

Ha, love it Charlie!!! Um, but I think most of the pictures you superimposed your face on are pictures of me, so that means I am her favorite – clearly. 😀

Happy Birthday Mom!

Love, your favorite child, Biz

NYC Day 1, Happy Birthday Momma and Chops! | My Bizzy Kitchen said
September 23, 2014 at 5:41 am

[…] her birthday on Sunday with a potluck at her house.  Hope you have a great day Momma!  Charlie and Jennifer, you will just have to get over the fact that I am Mom’s favorite.   Um, […]

Shelley B said
September 23, 2014 at 6:49 am

Oh damn, you are good. That first pic, I thought “wow, mom hasn’t changed in a lot of years” – doh! Got me. Happy Birthday to Biz’s momma! 😉

SuziCate said
September 23, 2014 at 7:37 am

Happy Birthday to Biz’s mom…oh, I mean Charlie’s too! Oh, and Biz’s twin’s mom! Love these photos, too funny!

Kym said
September 23, 2014 at 7:53 am

Happy Birthday to Biz’s Mom. Great post Charlie. A great sense of humor runs in your family.

Mom said
September 23, 2014 at 8:33 am

Love it! But I might paw through those gift cards anyway on my next trip there!
Love you all!

Charlie said
September 23, 2014 at 10:51 am

You also share a birthday with the following famous people:

Lukáš Kašpar, Czech ice hockey player.
Shim Eun-ha, South Korean actress.
Lote Tuqiri, Fijian-Australian rugby player.
Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany (twelfth century).
Dmitri Kulikov, Estonian footballer.
Wladimir Sidorenko, Ukrainian boxer.

Kim said
September 23, 2014 at 10:52 am

What a super fun post!
Happy birthday to y’all’s mom!!!

JohnGL said
September 24, 2014 at 6:10 am

Happy Birthday Jerry!

Jenn@slim-shoppin said
September 24, 2014 at 8:42 pm

Love it! You look great in all those photos!

Happy birthday Momma

Heidi said
September 25, 2014 at 1:45 pm

Classic Charlie!!! I almost threw up!! You crack me up…can I borrow those gift cards??

Kind Citizen said
September 25, 2014 at 2:10 pm

Don’t forget to hover your mouse over the photos.