For many of us, it’s s-w-i-m-m-i-n-g. Me, I like to swim. I always have and always will. There’s just something so indescribably exhilarating about (literally) submersing ourselves in this watery, alien environment. That funny little crab character from The Little Mermaid had it right: “Definitely better down where it’s wetter, take it from me.”
Although I spend most of my time at the gym on a treadmill, I do make it a point to get in the pool. There’s nothing like swimming a lap if you want to find out exactly how many muscles you never, ever use. Think you’re out of shape? Swim a lap then think again. It’s worse than you think.
I’m slowly getting better, each time trying to swim just a little bit farther than the previous time. Although that unfortunately came to a halt a week ago when I had to stop. Remember when I was complaining about the high cost of club membership? Well, there are some hidden costs I didn’t take into account: state sales tax, the extra gasoline needed just to make the eight-mile round trip, and lastly the thirty dollar copay for the Ciprodex antibiotic to clear up the ear infection I got from the pool.
Good times, good times!
Tomorrow: a thirty year old swimming tale, straight outta my book.