If you’ve read the book, you know that Thanksgiving through New Years is the worst. The worst. Year after year, no matter how well (or unwell) I’m doing, it falls apart during this time of year. I’m worthless and weak.
If you’ve read this blog, you know that the last couple months have gone well. Although my weight loss has flattened out lately, I’m still down twenty pounds. Next to 2001, this is the best position I’ve been in heading into this evil, evil time.
So! Since things are going well, naturally it’s time for me to screw it all up. Let’s take a look at this past week:
- Saturday. A trip to Gruene for some Christmas shopping. Upside: lots of walking around. Downside: food, glorious, food.
- Monday. Treats at work. Inescapable treats at work. Upside: didn’t go crazy. Downside: still not part of the plan.
- Wednesday. Ugh. I don’t want to talk about it. Upside: no upside. It was a bad day. Downside: donuts, cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate, pizza, breakfast tacos. I mean, come on.
I stepped on the scale Thursday morning expecting the worst. I literally exclaimed aloud, “No way. No way. No way,” as I looked down and saw 209.5. This tied my low point for this current diet, and puts me officially down by 22.5 pounds. (Please ignore my last entry which ended on a low note.)
Anyway, today is the day after Thanksgiving, and I did go up two pounds, finally. Given the way the rest of the week has gone I would have been worried if it had gone anywhere but up.
But that’s it! I swear. Thanksgiving is over and I simply will NOT let myself go this time. It’s time to immediately get back on track.
See you next year…