Basically speaking, I don’t like exer- cising. I know that’s absolutely the wrong frame of mind. I also know this statement isn’t going to inspire anyone to get up off their rumps and run twenty-six miles tomorrow. But since this blog is a no-nonsense zone (well, once you discount all the nonsense) then I must tell it like it is. And I don’t like exercising.
Yeah, yeah. I have to do it. I understand that. The trouble is finding the motivation. So I set out on a quest: find the motivation. I first assumed that motivation might be found in the form of a handy list of benefits. After searching for weeks, I’m now happy to report it was behind the Doritos. I know! Always the last place you look.
So I hereby share with you, loyal fridgers, the Three Benefits of Exercise. I hope they motivate you as much as they motivate me. Scratch that. I hope they motivate you.
More Energy. There’s universal agreement that the more energy you expend the more energy you’ll have. I don’t get this. I’ve tried this approach with money for years to no avail. Exercise is the same way. I feel pretty darn worn out after exercising. Who knows. Maybe I should just do it more than once every year or two.
Reduce Stress. What you want to do is use the treadmill to run off all that pent up frustration you collected from that big pile of donuts this morning. (It doesn’t matter whether you ate them or skipped over them: either way causes stress.) Plus, when your legs are aching and you’re drenched in sweat, you’re probably not thinking about other stuff. (If you’d like to continue to not think about the other stuff, then I highly recommend staying on the treadmill twenty-four seven.)
Eat More. You’re not burning off all those calories for nothing! You’re doing it for the pizza. C’mon, admit it. I know I am. Now, if I could just figure out why I’m still not losing any weight, I’d be ecstatic. Let me know if you have any tips.

on November 10, 2008 at 10:25 pm
haha we’re doing it for the pizza. Love it.
Personally, I’m doing it for the cookie dough and cake batter but thats just me.