All the diets, all the sacrifice, all the years spent denying myself slice after slice of hot, cheesy, pepperoni pizza. All of it for nothing. I’ve lost weight, I’ve gained weight. I’ve lost it again and I’ve gained it again.
“No thanks!” he says, as the cake is handed out. “Can’t!” he boasts, as another basket of chips and queso hits the table. “I’m watching my girlish figure” he exclaims to no one in particular, as the smell of french fries wafts by while driving Fast Food Mile.
Year after year after year of forfeiting all those goodies … and for what? Tomorrow the entire universe will be destroyed when it’s sucked into a man-made black hole, several hundred feet below Switzerland.
I’d write more, but I gotta go clean out the pantry!!!
Update: Darn! They turned on the LHC and the earth didn’t blow up. Now I feel bad about eating those eight Family Sized bags of chips last night. Guess it’s time to start the diet again.
I have to admit, I’m pretty fired up to see what comes out of this project. Not just today, but for months and years to come.